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01 Nov 2021

Westcliff 0 Old Albanian 89

Probably nobody likes to preside over a mismatch but the truth is you can only play what’s in front of you and most of what faced OAs last Saturday was left decidedly behind. Over half the damage was done in the opening period as Elliott McPhun and Dan Watt spread the largesse evenly amongst their back line colleagues. Watt was the only back not to cross the line but he contented himself with the seven conversions, with another five to come after the break.
Talk at half time was of ensuring continuity particularly in defence. This was achieved in some style and hapless opponents were allowed just brief glimpses of the OA tryline, none of which prevailed. Coach Dan George pronounced himself delighted with the attitude and attention to detail of his charges especially those players more used to the second string whose keenness will have intensified courtesy of this outing.
For those who collect figures Alex Ricci claimed a hattrick and there were doubles for Jonno Wicks and Alex Noot. Singles came the way of Mike Bond, Tom Mills, Nic Defeo, McPhun, Chris Napier and Sam Jones. A week’s rest is just reward for this happy band.

Brian Quinn,


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