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27 Sep 2021

OA Network Event

The Old Albanian RFC is happy to recommence their network events with a talk given by Jim McNally entitled

‘An Introduction to the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance’

“Jim McNally has acted as a Volunteer Ambassador for the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust for over four years helping to raise money for the air ambulance in North Herts, where he is a District Councillor, and also by giving talks and presentations across Hertfordshire and Essex to businesses groups and organisations such as Rotary, Probus and other Community Groups.

Jim served as a police officer in London for 28 years and gained some knowledge as to how useful the air ambulance can be during his time in the police and later, when he worked in the NHS.”

On the 30th September at 12 Noon at the offices of Sherrards Solicitors LLP, 4 Beaconsfield Road, St Albans, AL1 3RH

Refreshments will be provided prior to the talk which will commence at 12.45 and will be followed by a Q&A session.

Please note that only limited numbers will be able to attend so please reserve your place early by payment of £20.00 to:

Old Albanian Rugby Club;

Sort Code: 82-64-05

Account Number: 10018009

Please mark payments ‘Network event’

For further information please contact Mike Johnson at [email protected]

Date for your diary: The next network event will be held on the 25th November when David Clarke will be the speaker.

Ian Tomlins,


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