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22 Sep 2020

22/09/2020 - Saints Update

While we’ve not been playing, there has been plenty of things going on within the Saints during these difficult and unusual times.

  • Calorie Challenge – Exciting challenges undertaken by the OA Saints. Who can burn the most calories in a single day! During a time of uncertainty, the Saints are continuously pushing to get fitter, faster and stronger.


  • OAlympics – What is it? The team has been split into groups based on location. The aim of the game is to follow the S&C plan and rack up as many points as possible for your team. Also including 3 special challenges each week… varying from how long you can stand on your head to how long you can hold a pint for. By doing this, we ensure we are doing the right things at the right point in our calendar with an added splash on competitive fun! The proof is in the pudding and photo evidence of each session must be sent in ;D


  • Training days & times: Monday and Wednesday 19:00-20:45

Steph Plunkett,

Saints Club Captain

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