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21 Oct 2018

21/10/2018 - Under 11s update

It’s been a great start to the season in the U11s now with 9 on the pitch, two man rucks and of course kicking! Trying to make the lads realise that they lose possession when they kick has been challenging at times, but all good fun.

Two festivals last weekend, at home for the Development festival and away at Amersham and Chiltern. Despite the weather and being drenched to the bone, the lads played some decent rugby, winning every game at A&C. Our passing, try scoring and team play remains strong and our focus for the next few weeks is on rucking, making sure we protect the ball and then getting the ball out quickly.
Yesterday we had a bit of an OAs takeover at Saracens vs Lyon with a training session before the game for our U8s and U11s ran by the community coaches followed by the guard of honour flag waving. Two of our lads were lucky enough to be the mascots! Also our U13s did the shirt waving and played at half time. Good to see so many OAs shirts there and all on BT sport!
Today, with much better weather than last week, we’ve hosted Ealing. Having a mixed training session at the start and then into games. Great to see all the lads playing together and working on their rucking. Plus long may this weather continue!

Deborah Ludlow,

Under 11s

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