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23 Aug 2018

2018 Old Albanian RFC AGM

On the evening of Wednesday 22nd August, the club held it’s Annual General Meeting.

Thank you to all those who were able to make it. It was an opportunity to review the outcome of last season and the plans for this, both on and off the field.

We can confirm that the new officers of the club, were elected unanimously by those who attended. We’d like to take the opportunity to thank all those who are stepping down this year for their hard work.

As a result of the hard work done commercial and financial side, we’re delighted to be able to confirm that all subs will remain the same this year. You can find more information in our Membership section.

The 200 draw was completed and the winners are:

1st   Harry Harrison – £300
2nd  Peter Jackson   – £100
3rd   Roger Thomas  – £50

Finally, we’re now in the final week of pre-season with the first home game falling on September 1st and for the first time in many years we’ve got all 4 senior men’s teams at home that day, starting at 1pm with the Romans & Gladiators. Please get down and show your support.

Rory Davis,


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