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13 Aug 2018

21/10/2018 - Under 13s vs Fullerians


- 21/10/18

Under 13




  • match report

What a great game of rugby ! The sun was shining as both teams lined up for the early kick off.

OA’s opened the scoring in the first few minutes, settling any early nerves with a good team try finished off superbly by Seb.

Both teams were fully committed with some great tackling, robust rucking and hard running which set the tone for a really competitive game.  Harry, Seb, James S,  Rhys B, Rhys H, James, Tariq, Sam & Will all put in big hits throughout the match.

The backs gelled really quickly and were a threat all game with Daniel, Seb, Rhys H, Ethan, Brandon, Toby and Freddie combining well. At times it was hard to believe that this was the first time this back line had played together. The passing, hands, decision making and pace was great to see.

Fullerian’s big and powerful forwards meant the scrum was a great battle, giving the OAs scrum a good work out and test of technique.

After a solid attacking OAs scrum, Seb’s chip over the top took the visitors by surprise, which he finished off after a mix up in defence.

Freddie soon joined in, showing his pace chasing a defensive clearance kick and scoring in the corner for OA’s 3rd try.

As the battle up front intensified, Will D helped relieved the pressure by scoring a great try.

Following a short injury break, giving both teams a well earnt breather, Freddie added another in the corner to finish off a great backs handling move.

After more brave tackling and OAs defending,  Freddie broke free again and scored OAs 6th try with a great side step.

Fullerians scored their 1st try after 20mins  to reward a period of sustained pressure and determined running.

Freddie’s 4th try and OA’s 7th  came after yet more great passing and finished with 2 good hand-offs.

Fullerians added a 2nd try just before half time, reminding everyone that despite the scoreboard, they were still a threat and if it was not for a few handling errors and brave OAs tackling the score would have been a lot closer.

The half time score was  35: 10

OAs  started the 2nd half in the same impressive expansive style.  The whole team’s decision making and execution was spot on, with Freddie and Seb combining on the left wing, for Seb to finish off  with his 3rd and OAs 8th try of the morning.

Fair play to Fullerians, their heads never dropped and they soon scored a 3rd try after a powerful 5m attacking scrum.

Both sides continued to tackle bravely and compete at the breakdown.

Seb added 2 more great tries to help close out the game.

The game finished with Fullerian’s scoring a 4th well deserved try after winning a scrum against the head and scoring in the corner.

The final score was 50:20   (2nd half 15:10).

While Seb and Freddie played superbly – this was a great all round, hard fought, team performance which the boys and coaches should be really proud of  (I know the parents watching were!).

Stephanie Wells,

Under 13s

Under 13
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There are no previous fixtures between these teams.

Under 13





Sunday 21 Oct 18


Man of the match: