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23 Jun 2019

Grizzlies 20th Anniversary Lunch

Dear Brethren of the Ancient Order, *Ursus Arctos Horribilis

You are cordially invited to attend the first (**and last) twenty year celebration of the OA Grizzlies.

It’s time for us all to get together, to renew friendships, to talk about forgotten, hard-fought losses and to celebrate those magnificent wins in which you had the starring role. It’s time to wear the old nickname with pride, time for us all to recall the mud, sweat, tears and smell of Darren Ead’s socks!

In the 20 years of the Grizzlies, there have only been 4 skippers, which is a testament to the enduring culture and spirit of the Grizzlies, which you been instrumental in creating. So….The Sperminator, Soft Hands (young Grinder), Aardvark and Kim (current skipper) would like the pleasure of taking wine with you on the 7th of September at Old Albanians Club for lunch. Kickoff is at 12 and dress will the NO.1’s. There will also be an opportunity to order a commemorative Grizzlies shirt (picture attached).

Chaps! Lets all make an effort to be there. If you need a place to stay, I’m sure local lads could help out. I have one berth on my boat available – bring beer!


*You play or used to play for the Grizzlies…or you can look it up

** There can be only one

Simon Heath,


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